A dancer in Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, changing shoes before the next production

Happiness for a moment. When the vision of self aligns with a parade through London. I am beautiful comes to mind.

A young man receiving therapy as he rides horses

This woman was captured while she was in full flight; objecting to all the corruption and demanding the resignation of President Jacob Zuma of South Africa. Life can be pretty mundane for most, for these women, taking the moment for what it was, pure joy, was what it was all about that day.

This man is seated in a café in Cape Town, South Africa. He does look like he should be on that bicycle and exploring the world rather.

Two white woman make their views known on a protest against the corruption in the ANC Government in South Africa. You can see in their faces the utter enjoyment they were taking in the event, being part of an uprising that gave them some sense of power over their rivals.

A salesman comes in different shapes and forms. This one is selling Scientology on the streets of Cape Town. I was fascinated by the hardness that following a religion can imprint on a face; the search for meaning gone overboard. Perhaps he believes in his religious product, but without love, life loses its real meaning.

A resident of Bo-Kaap in Cape Town watches a scene below him, and the anxiety of the moment is etched into his face.

A South African woman stands in front of a poster of the Women's Liberation Movement and agrees with their sentiments. The way she took to this action was a moment of joy and her face said it all. Viva to women in South Africa!

Looking a little like a character out of the cast of "Les Misérables" this young man takes to the streets to protest the presidency of President Jacob Zuma of South Africa. I read in his face the joy of being a part of heaven knows what.